Information is Power
Here are some links to resources and important services to help you. It can be difficult to understand what therapy/counseling is, how I can help, what you can expect, and how to select the right therapist. A few of the best psychology links for these questions are below, to help inform you before you enlist help.
Ask this therapist a question
Watch EFT Video here: What is EFT?
Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson.
Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships by Dr. Sue Johnson.
An Emotionally Focused Workbook for Couples: The Two of Us by Dr. Sue Johnson.
SAFFRON CENTRE LTD SACE 24 hr Crisis Line: 780 423 4121
24-Hour Distress Line: 780 482 4357
YWCA Edmonton: 780 423 9922
AHS Addiction & Mental Health: 780-408-5465 or for internet uses 1-877-303-264
Crisis Line: 780 423 4121
Africa Centre: 780.455.5423
Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN): (780) 424-7709;
Islamic Family & Social Services Association (IFSSA): 780-900-2777
211: access to an entire network of community, social, health and government services 811: health advise at Health Link 24/7
National Crisis Text Line: Text NAMI to 741-741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive crisis support via text message.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255) to speak with a trained crisis counselor.
Crisis Line Services: Children & Youth
Children, Youth & Families Crisis Line: 780-407-1000
Family Centre: (780) 423-2831
Kids Help Phone line: 1-800-668-6868 or
Hope for wellness Line Too-Free: 1-855-242-3310
Walk-In Clinics: Mon-Fri from 12:30-4:00
Northgate Health Centre #2020, 9499-137 Avenue: 780-342-2700
Rutherford Clinic #202, 11153 Ellerslie Road: 780-342-6850